We all know the environment around us could use our help by preserving, reusing and recycling, what we use, right? Believe it or not, a more conscious approach to grooming will also lead to a cleaner dog in less time using fewer resources and saving money. Our human kids and our K9 Kids will appreciate it.
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Ever feel like you brush your dog every day for hours and hours but your groomer thinks otherwise, then shaves your dog? My guide on "How to Speed Brush Your Doodle" will show you how to save time, “brush better” and avoid shave downs in just 5 easy steps. It’s a game-changer! Get it Free for a limited time.
Here’s how you can groom to save money, the environment and more at the same time.
In the Bath:
1. Save water
Circulate and re-use water by using a circulating bathing system. (K9 Kids Bath-Time Bather! Available in 2020). To use a Circulator: Cap the drain and add 2 to 4 inches of water, squirt a bit of shampoo from a bottle into the water. Turn on the circulator with the foot pedal. The soap mixed with water will blast dirt, oil, dandruff, and scales without scrubbing! If you want, you can double wash by applying shampoo to the body and scrub with a Kong Zoom Groom. Rinse with water in the circulator, apply conditioner, let it sit for 1 -3 minutes. Finally, drain the dirty water and rinse everything with clean water. Pow!! Bathed in 10 minutes and gallons and gallons and gallons of water saved!
2. Save shampoo and use less plastic
Buy concentrated pet shampoo by the gallon. This much shampoo is very helpful for multi-dog families, very large dogs, shelters and rescues. Before using the shampoo it must be diluted with the proper amount of water. You will need a 32 oz. re-usable dilution bottle. The shampoo label should say 15:1 or similar. This means: Add ¼” of shampoo to bottom, then fill to the top with water, then shake well. You’ll use less plastic and be able to apply more shampoo once the concentrate gets diluted with water. I use and recommend Fresh n Clean Classic Scent Shampoo as an all-around general use shampoo because it does a great job cleaning, is moisturizing, and keeps your pup smelling fresh and clean for up to 2 weeks! It will last forever. But think of it this way: You will always have shampoo available for every new pup you bring home.
3. Save time – wash the dog faster
with a bath circulator. (K9 Kids Co. Bathtime Bather! Available in 2020) -Circulate shampoo and water, rinse and you’re done. Excellent for using with vet prescribed or medicated shampoo. Use less, cover more! Save a ton of money!
4. Rinse more thoroughly
by using the Skin-Out MethodⓇ– focuses on SOAKING the coat versus “spraying” to rinse shampoos or conditioners out. By laying your nozzle close to the skin and flushing it with the clean water, the ends will automatically get rinsed at the same time. This rinsing takes less water, assures the coat gets rinsed clean and saves you money on your water bill.
5. Say No to disposable wipes for scrubbing, cleaning or applying
They say they’re flushable but sadly they don’t disintegrate but can get stuck in old pipes, will go to the land-fill or out to the ocean. Save money by reusing old towels, T-shirts or men’s cotton underwear.
6. Save your hands
by using these reusable, long rubber gloves to scrub during shampooing. It takes less time to shampoo and feels wonderful to the dog! The gloves I use will last forever and protect your hands. Be sure to dry hands thoroughly before reinserting your hands in them, or they will mildew and stink. However, the gloves can be washed, sanitized, and hung upside down to dry and ready for re-use.
7. Squeegee off dripping water with your hands first
from top to bottom before towel drying.
8. Towel dry the dog with only TWO towels
Will take less time to dry with a blow dryer – Use one large, fairly absorbent bath towel to dry on every part of the dog’s body, including the bottom of their feet, until the cloth becomes sopping wet, then take another towel and finish drying until dry to touch. Now you can take a forced-air blow dryer (with no heat), which will dry the dog quickly. Or a human hand dryer (with no heat) to finish the job.
9. Blow-dry faster with an ergonomic nozzle.
The Water Peeler nozzle is excellent for use with less powerful high-velocity dryers, or with a Shop-Vac* because it directs more air pressure to make drying faster. You’ll be able to dry using the SKIN OUT Method ® which allows you to remove water from the skin first, then ends of hair. The Water Peeler, when attached directly to the hose, lets you maneuver easier to dry around legs, under the neck and body, etc. The Water Peeler Nozzle is more than 2 inches wide vs. a 1-inch needle-nose type nozzle, you’ll go faster. (For some shop vacs an additional adapter will keep the nozzle on the hose or hold with your hand or tape it with duct tape. *(Make sure the vac is on blow and not Suck).
10. Dry on Low (when using a high-velocity professional dryer)
It will be less stressful for the dog and easier on your ears.
11. Never use a hand blow dryer on hot
Use medium or cool only.
12. Multi-task with a table, floor or clip fan
to help dry the pet while you’re clipping nails, cleaning ears, or towel drying. 13
13. Use old t-shirts, cotton underwear or towels and rewash
These re-purposed items will last for ten years or more. True story: I have towels that I’ve used for nine years in my professional daily grooming business.
14. Re-Use spray bottles
Collect old pump human shampoo, conditioners, and spray bottles to re-use for all your dog grooming diluted shampoos and conditioners. You can also use very rinsed out household squirt and pump bottles. Please be sure to clean these types of containers our very, very well until they have no odor, and water runs clear. AND LABEL THEM ACCORDINGLY
15. Save money by having healthy skin and coat inside and out.
Imagine not having to bathe or brush shedding hair as often? An overall healthy dog can also save you money. The K9 Kids Fanatic recommends Nuvet Supplements for dogs and cats. It’s all-natural and made of human-grade ingredients that will strengthen your pet’s immune system so they can fight off environmentally “unfriendly” free- radicals. Nuvet can significantly reduce and help heal many problems that may strike your pet. Allergies, arthritis, digestive issues, skin and hair problems and much, much more. Click the tab for more info and to order!
I’m sure there’s more to earth-conscious grooming but these are methods and supplies that I’ve used for many years to save time and money. Together we can be even more effective. Every little bit can lead to a safe, healthy and plentiful environment for everyone.
Do you have any grooming tips you’ve used to help the environment, save time or money? Please share your comments below!